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2023-10-27 / 1 评论 / 0 点赞 / 78 阅读 / 9516 字 / 正在检测是否收录...




import io.javalin.Javalin;

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = Javalin.create(/*config*/)
            .get("/", ctx -> ctx.result("Hello World"))




app.before(ctx -> {
    // runs before all requests
app.before("/path/*", ctx -> {
    // runs before request to /path/*
app.after(ctx -> {
    // run after all requests
app.after("/path/*", ctx -> {
    // runs after request to /path/*

app.get("/output", ctx -> {
    // some code

app.post("/input", ctx -> {
    // some code

app.get("/hello/{name}", ctx -> { // the {} syntax does not allow slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
    ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"));
app.get("/hello/<name>", ctx -> { // the <> syntax allows slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
    ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"));
app.get("/path/*", ctx -> { // will match anything starting with /path/
    ctx.result("You are here because " + ctx.path() + " matches " + ctx.matchedPath());


// Request methods
body()                                // request body as string
bodyAsBytes()                         // request body as array of bytes
bodyAsClass(clazz)                    // request body as specified class (deserialized from JSON)
bodyStreamAsClass(clazz)              // request body as specified class (memory optimized version of above)
bodyValidator(clazz)                  // request body as validator typed as specified class
bodyInputStream()                     // the underyling input stream of the request
uploadedFile("name")                  // uploaded file by name
uploadedFiles("name")                 // all uploaded files by name
uploadedFiles()                       // all uploaded files as list
uploadedFileMap()                     // all uploaded files as a "names by files" map
formParam("name")                     // form parameter by name, as string
formParamAsClass("name", clazz)       // form parameter by name, as validator typed as specified class
formParams("name")                    // list of form parameters by name
formParamMap()                        // map of all form parameters
pathParam("name")                     // path parameter by name as string
pathParamAsClass("name", clazz)       // path parameter as validator typed as specified class
pathParamMap()                        // map of all path parameters
basicAuthCredentials()                // basic auth credentials (or null if not set)
attribute("name", value)              // set an attribute on the request
attribute("name")                     // get an attribute on the request
attributeOrCompute("name", ctx -> {}) // get an attribute or compute it based on the context if absent
attributeMap()                        // map of all attributes on the request
contentLength()                       // content length of the request body
contentType()                         // request content type
cookie("name")                        // request cookie by name
cookieMap()                           // map of all request cookies
header("name")                        // request header by name (can be used with Header.HEADERNAME)
headerAsClass("name", clazz)          // request header by name, as validator typed as specified class
headerMap()                           // map of all request headers
host()                                // host as string
ip()                                  // ip as string
isMultipart()                         // true if the request is multipart
isMultipartFormData()                 // true if the request is multipart/formdata
method()                              // request methods (GET, POST, etc)
path()                                // request path
port()                                // request port
protocol()                            // request protocol
queryParam("name")                    // query param by name as string
queryParamAsClass("name", clazz)      // query param parameter by name, as validator typed as specified class
queryParams("name")                   // list of query parameters by name
queryParamMap()                       // map of all query parameters
queryString()                         // full query string
scheme()                              // request scheme
sessionAttribute("name", value)       // set a session attribute
sessionAttribute("name")              // get a session attribute
consumeSessionAttribute("name")       // get a session attribute, and set value to null
cachedSessionAttribute("name", value) // set a session attribute, and cache the value as a request attribute
cachedSessionAttribute("name")        // get a session attribute, and cache the value as a request attribute
cachedSessionAttributeOrCompute(...)  // same as above, but compute and set if value is absent
sessionAttributeMap()                 // map of all session attributes
url()                                 // request url
fullUrl()                             // request url + query string
contextPath()                         // request context path
userAgent()                           // request user agent
req()                                 // get the underlying HttpServletRequest

// Response methods
result("result")                      // set result stream to specified string (overwrites any previously set result)
result(byteArray)                     // set result stream to specified byte array (overwrites any previously set result)
result(inputStream)                   // set result stream to specified input stream (overwrites any previously set result)
future(futureSupplier)                // set the result to be a future, see async section (overwrites any previously set result)
writeSeekableStream(inputStream)      // write content immediately as seekable stream (useful for audio and video)
result()                              // get current result stream as string (if possible), and reset result stream
resultInputStream()                   // get current result stream
contentType("type")                   // set the response content type
header("name", "value")               // set response header by name (can be used with Header.HEADERNAME)
redirect("/path", code)               // redirect to the given path with the given status code
status(code)                          // set the response status code
status()                              // get the response status code
cookie("name", "value", maxAge)       // set response cookie by name, with value and max-age (optional).
cookie(cookie)                        // set cookie using javalin Cookie class
removeCookie("name", "/path")         // removes cookie by name and path (optional)
json(obj)                             // calls result(jsonString), and also sets content type to json
jsonStream(obj)                       // calls result(jsonStream), and also sets content type to json
html("html")                          // calls result(string), and also sets content type to html
render("/template.tmpl", model)       // calls html(renderedTemplate)
res()                                 // get the underlying HttpServletResponse

// Other methods
async(runnable)                       // lifts request out of Jetty's ThreadPool, and moves it to Javalin's AsyncThreadPool
handlerType()                         // handler type of the current handler (BEFORE, AFTER, GET, etc)
appAttribute("name")                  // get an attribute on the Javalin instance. see app attributes section below
matchedPath()                         // get the path that was used to match this request (ex, "/hello/{name}")
endpointHandlerPath()                 // get the path of the endpoint handler that was used to match this request
cookieStore()                         // see cookie store section below
